Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cilla & Pepe; under wear to outer wear

Take a look at photos from the shoot in the laneway's of Melbourne which show the versatility of Cilla and Pepe garments! 

Anna wears C&P Black Body Suit and Tutu for volume    

Anna wears C&P French maid bra

Anna wears; C&P Movie Star robe with a high waisted skirt

Anna wears; C&P Sexy Sally Slip

C&P Vintage Coutessane Bustier

Photographer: Josephine Wilcox
Model: Anna Dillenbeck
Stylist: Sarah Ford

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Melbourne Fashion Exposed Wrap Up

Cilla and Pepe showed how amazing their range really is and added some much needed cheekiness to the runway shows of the Fashion Exposed!

A great 3 days was spent introducing C&P to Melbourne, and with a great response we hope to continue  showing the sexy lingerie and sleepwear to Victoria!

Enjoy the shots taken by the fab Josephine Wilcox!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Effigy 49 Online Store Launch - August 2010

Insert taken from the Effigy 49 Blog which you can view hear

We celebrated the launch of our new online store last Thursday night at Low 302 on Crown st in Darlinghust and what a night it was! Everyone said the band was amazing and the food to die for, not to mention those lethal Midori cocktails which were so sweet and delicious it was very hard not to drink more of them! A big thankyou to Emma and Fiona from Cilla Creative, our beautiful models, to Midori for sponsoring the cocktails and to Costa Rae! Take a peek at some of the snaps below.... I can't wait for the next event!!

Enjoy a sneak peak!


Welcome to the Cilla Creative Agency Blog!

Cilla Creative presents emerging Australian Fashion and now represents – 

Effigy 49; The Last Romantic; Guanabana and Cilla & Pepe

Enjoy keeping up with agency and our amazing designers!!

Ciao x